Latin America
Walker Clark strategic services in Latin America
"They know the Latin American legal markets better than anyone else in the consulting industry."
--- partner in a Walker Clark client law firm in South America
Walker Clark LLC has advised more law firms in more countries in Latin America than any other legal management consultancy.
Latin America is our firm's "home market." Walker Clark LLC members have been advising law firms in Latin America since 1997, even before we formed our firm. Even today, after expanding our practice worldwide over the past 11 years, still more than half of our clients are law firms in Latin America. Some are small, young firms that are pursuing a vigorous growth strategy. Others are established market leaders looking to develop international and inter-continental practices.
Latin America Strategic Assessment
"...the most intellectually intense day I have ever spent at this law firm..."
-- partner in a Walker Clark client law firm in the United States
The Latin America Strategic Assessment is designed for law firms in Asia, Europe, and North America that want to expand there market presence in Latin America or with clients who have investments and busines operations in the region. It is ideal for firms that have never organized a formal Latin America practice group.