iStock 000089512209 XXXLarge X425In most legal services organizations, the biggest overlooked obstacle to better performance is not overly cost-sensitive and demanding clients nor highly-paid lawyers and staff, but the lack of effective quality assurance systems in day-to-day operations.

Pioneers in the introduction of quality management in legal services organizations worldwide, Walker Clark LLC offers a highly cost-effective hybrid consulting service to help law firms and in-house counsel make substantial and sustainable improvements in performance (and, for law firms, profitability)  through quality management. 

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In most legal services organizations, the biggest overlooked obstacle to better performance is not overly cost-sensitive and demanding clients nor highly-paid lawyers and staff, but the lack of effective quality assurance systems in day-to-day operations.

Pioneers in the introduction of quality management in legal services organizations worldwide, Walker Clark LLC offers a highly cost-effective hybrid consulting service to help law firms and in-house counsel make substantial and sustainable improvements in client satisfaction and performance (and, for law firms, profitability) through quality management. 

Our Sustainable Quality program combines videoconferenced sessions where we introduce the concepts, tools, and methods of quality management and how they apply to the challenges of improving profitability and sustaining it. We then follow up on-site with your team as we work together in a demonstration project custom-tailored for your law firm or law department and designed to produce a substantial and measurable return on your investment in as little as 90 days.

Even more importantly, your team will have taken the first steps in building sustainable improvements in all aspects of performance into your operations -- not just for 90 days, but permanently.

This is because our goal is more than just fixing problems in one process or function in your firm. Our "train the leaders" approach gives your organization a team of knowledgeable and experienced quality management leaders who can then train and lead others to build an integrated firm-wide quality management culture and systems -- and with little or no further need for outside consulting support. 

As with our other services, we offer Sustainable Quality at a fixed fee that includes all expenses, even our travel to your office.

Read more about the importance of quality management in the delivery of legal services:

To learn more about how Walker Clark LLC can help your firm to build sustainable improvements in performance through quality management, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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