Written by Norman Clark
Published: 03 August 2015
Hits: 4764

Too many law firms sacrifice too many opportunities and too much human capital as they worship before the idol of the rainmaker. 

Despite the cult-like fascination with rainmaking that has been an article of faith in many law firms, there is nothing magical about it. "Rainmaking" consists of a set of basic business and human relations skills that anyone can learn. Some of these are basic sales and client relations skills. Other skills involve areas of emotional intelligence, such as empathy. Every skill and behavior that produces good business development results can be measured and improved.

Because of our different personalities, backgrounds, and experience, some of us are better at some of the skills than others. However, anyone can be a rainmaker.

The five biggest mistakes that law firms make are (not necessarily in order of importance or severity):

Do you want to lead your law firm away from the cult of the rainmaker and toward better performance by all of your colleagues? A relatively small investment of time and resources in all of your lawyers can produce huge returns on investment in terms of more new clients, more powerful cross-marketing, better profitability, and stronger morale. Click here for more information about in-house professional development programs by Walker Clark LLC.

Norman Clark