Written by Norman Clark
Published: 22 May 2013
Hits: 3160
blue globe in from of a partial flow chart on a black background

I was asked yesterday about strategic planning in law firms.

"Quick! Based on your experience, what are the three most important things that law firms need to keep in mind about strategic planning."

I paused to consider my answer.

"Come on," my interrogator said, smiling. "No pondering. What is your gut reaction?"

"I'll give you a bonus," I replied. "Here are four things."

These are four points that were at the top of my mind. They are not the only important considerations. Some of these might be more important for some firms than for others. However, I think that these are a good start.

This last point might seem a little self-serving, coming from someone who advises law firms on strategic planning. But it's true, nonetheless.

Norman Clark