Written by Norman Clark
Published: 14 November 2022
Hits: 1641
The Gale by Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910)

Planning Now for the Next Crisis

Even the best business strategies can be knocked off-course, or sometimes even wrecked, by a crisis that the law firm only vaguely anticipated, if at all.

Staying on course 

Some law firms not only survive crises, but actually emerge from them stronger than ever before. Our firm’s observations of the experiences law firms of all sizes, but especially small and midsize firms, worldwide between 2020 and 2022, suggest that you can make your law firm “crisis-resistant.” You won’t be immunized from the effects of a crisis, but you will be able to resist its most serious effects and recover much more quickly.

Specific tactics might vary among different law firms, but there are at least three common, clearly observable outcomes for law firms that perform well in crises:

In the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, we observed that even if a firm’s plans did not foresee precisely every contingency or impact, or if they needed to be modified as the situation emerged, a law firm that had a crisis-response plan — even a defective one — managed the crisis better than did a firm that had no plan at all.

One of the common comments that we have heard from managing partners and other leaders of law firms that had crisis-response plans has been: Even with sharply reduced revenue, 2020 was a profitable year. At the end of 2021, the same group told us that revenue had returned to close to, or even higher than, pre-pandemic levels, with profitability that was consistent with, and in some cases significantly improved over, 2019.

Three elements, which we have observed in almost every successful crisis-management experience, least to a significant degree, i.e., to a degree that clearly influenced the favorable outcomes, are:

Paying attention to the basics 

WinslowHomer Eight Bells 1886 x425Cash is always important to any business, but it is critical to the survival of a law firm during a crisis, especially a worldwide economic disruption such as was triggered by the COVOD-19 pandemic.

These major crises typically result in cash-flow problems for law firms. Small and midsize firms are especially vulnerable because, for example, they usually are less able to offset decreased demand in transactional practice areas with increased needs for counter-cyclical services such as insolvency, restructuring, and litigation, which typically have longer payment cycles. Cash-flow problems become worse as accounts receivable get older. Smaller firms may also find that lines of credit become shorter and more expensive to access.

Financial stability is probably the best preparation for a crisis. Crisis-resistant law firms can answer questions that should be part of every annual business planning cycle, such as:

Sometimes finding the answers to some of these questions might involve some uncomfortable discussions, but they must be answered, not just as a crisis appears on the horizon but as part of the regular annual business planning process. For example, if a firm or practice group is going to base its business plan on the assumption that they will receive a projected level of revenue from a client, they must also consider what they will do if that work does not materialize. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it is the worst possible response, because if the crisis arises, the bridge may have already been washed away.

Taking good care of clients

Winslow Homer An Afterglow x425Crisis-resistant law firms retain and  strengthen their ongoing attention to clients, not only in normal times but especially during a crisis. In most commercial law firms, a relatively small number of clients — usually 15% to 25% — produce a disproportionately large share of the total fee revenue, often more than 80%.

When financial troubles strike, these top clients must be the first into the lifeboats. They do more for your firm than to provide most of the cash. They frequently understand, better than do most smaller clients, the differentiating competitive advantages that your firm presents to the market. They are also usually powerful sources of referrals of new clients. Losing even one of these top clients — even one that might temporarily have trouble paying their bills — during a crisis can cripple your firm’s financial performance  and competitive position long after the crisis is over.

A crisis-resistant law firm will not only keep most of its best clients through an economic downturn, however. It often will actually increase the average fee productivity and profitability of the entire client base. The best way to do this is to deliver a reassuringly high level of responsive services that not only address crisis-related legal issues, but also anticipate them, and to be closer than ever to clients during challenging times.

Examples of crisis-care techniques for clients include

Uncomfortable but necessary thoughts 

Winslow Homer After the Hurricane Bahamas x425Being able to respond to crises such as natural disasters, military action, epidemics, and economic downturns is a high-value strategic skill. Contingency planning, especially in the first three decades of the twenty-first century, has become a necessary, albeit sometimes depressing, part of the strategic planning process. However, as the American philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) once said, “Knowledge is the antidote to fear.”

The most important part building a crisis-resistant law firm is well-informed planning and documentation, both on the year-to-year level of business planning but also in multi-year strategic planning. It is sometimes called what if? planning. Even though one hopes that a contingency plan will never need to be implemented, it is an essential part of effective planning and implementation in any business today, but especially for law firms, most of which have very little financial or operational tolerance for disruptions.

The old whining excuse of who could have ever expected this? in no longer valid (if it ever was). Almost all crises are foreseeable, often well in advance, if only one knows where to look. However many lawyers and law firms either do not know what signs to look for; or, if they do, they are too busy to notice them until it is too late.

Moreover, in uncertain times and disrupted markets for legal services, traditional strategic planning methods can sometimes be useless when a crisis strikes a law firm and its clients. The firm can find itself in a forced-change situation, usually with a sharply reduced range of options and an increased urgency that sometimes forces decisions without adequate information.

A central characteristic of crisis-resistant law firms is that, as part of their long-range strategic planning and shorter-term business planning processes, they develop and investigate several well-informed business scenarios. Each one of these should describe a set of probable changes in the level, nature, and complexity of the demand for legal services in the next three to five years. Thus, an integral part of your firm’s planning process should include a description and an investigation three, four, or even more tightly-focused contingency plans, each each in response to a different, reasonably probable scenario. Some of these might pertain only to a single practice group; others might be for the entire firm.

This sometimes involves asking complex questions, which cannot be answered in a single partners meeting or a weekend retreat. For example:

Some of the questions can be very difficult to answer, because the firm might lack accurate, reliable information needed for a well-informed plan. Sometimes, even with the best efforts to collect this information, it might not be readily available. Some of these questions might be difficult, disturbing, and sensitive because they involve unresolved issues in the firm’s workplace culture or the cohesiveness of its partnership and the priorities of individual partners. Nonetheless, they need to be asked, and crisis-resistant law firms muster the courage to face them. For example:

Conditions for success 

Winslow Homer Watching the Breakers 1891 x425During the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other recent crises such as the economic impacts of the military conflict in Ukraine and the global financial crisis of 2008-2010, we have observed how crisis-resistant firms have taken their plans and practices beyond just sitting around a table, asking what if…?

We have seen how successful crisis-management responses in crisis-resistant law firms include six common features:

Unlike traditional strategic plans and business plans, which one wants to implement successfully, the scenario-based planning method outlined in this paper will produce a substantial number of well-informed tactics and action plans that one hopes will never be executed. Nonetheless, in the fast-moving and frequently uncertain times that the legal services industry — and law firms especially — face in the 2020s and beyond will increasingly require serious and specific planning if a law firm is to become truly crisis-resistant.

This is one of the most cost-effective ways to ensure that you are ready to meet the future, however that future may confront you.

Norman Clark


Click here more information about Walker Clark's unique approach to crisis management in law firms