Written by Norman Clark
Published: 23 March 2018
Hits: 3442

"We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you" -- Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook Inc. 21 March 2018

We agree.

Walker Clark LLC has deactivated its Facebook account because of serious concerns that we have about the current ability or willingness of Facebook adequately to safeguard account information from access and misuse by external parties, such as Cambridge Analytica. 

We will consider reactivating our account only when Facebook demonstrates that it has implemented new policies and effective procedures that no longer allow or condone, but instead prevent, such misuse of account information from ever happening again. At this point, we have found Mark Zuckerberg's conflicting statements over recent weeks and his company's pervasive lack of transparency to be unpersuasive.

We recommend that, until Facebook can satisfy these concerns, law firms that have active Facebook accounts should consider whether they should deactivate their accounts to protect against the risk a future compromise of their account data.

Norman Clark