Written by Fernando Moreno
Published: 06 February 2017
Hits: 4213
By Dennis Garcia - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

For at least the last two decades, conventional wisdom has held that Central America is not an attractive market for setting up local operations of global firms, because of three key factors:


While all three factors remain present to date, other market factors have altered the picture somewhat:

So, is Central America to become "the next Colombia," a key part of international law firms' plans for global expansion?

Not quite.

It is likely that other opportunities will arise in the coming months and years for a global firm to find some credible candidates for association among one of the recent or upcoming regional players. It is even more likely that a few practice-specific associations will take place. However, beyond a few additional "combinations" and "formal associations," there are no indications that the market can expect an avalanche of new global firm offices in the region.

Fernando Moreno

Norman Clark