Written by Norman Clark
Published: 29 May 2014
Hits: 10882

In these days of sanctions, sabre-rattling, and "red lines," it is refreshing to see how the common values and commitments of the legal profession prove stronger than the political, economic, and ideological differences that would divide us.

On 30-31 May 2014, influential thought leaders from across the legal profession will meet in Moscow at the International Conference on Judicial Independence as an Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace.  

This event, organized by the International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace, will attract a group of distinguished lawyers from law firms, universities, foundations, government, and the judiciary from Europe, Asia, and North America, some of whom will attend despite the unofficial disapproval of their home country governments. 

The session topics include:

Conference sponsors include:

The Organizing Committee is chaired by Dmitry Magonya, the managing partner of the ART DE LEX Law Firm.

Events such as this conference in Moscow demonstate that, notwithstanding the political, economic, and cultural disagreements in the world today -- often exploited by compromised politicians and fanatics for their own gain -- there are strong core values that bind together all members of the legal profession throughout the world: justice, peace, and the rule of law.  These are stronger and more enduring than the forces that would divide the profession, and the nations and communities that we serve.

Norman Clark