Written by Norman Clark
Published: 30 April 2010
Hits: 3627
Prague, Czech Republic

Of the emerging democracies in central and eastern Europe, the Czech Republic has one of the most developed industrialized economies.  Walker Clark senior consultant Daniel E. Miller, Ph.D., has examined the historic roots of the modern Czech economic and political environments in a concise, insightful Walker Clark Background Briefing, Foundations of the Modern Czech Republic.  It is "required reading" for any lawyer or law firm with clients in the Czech Republic.

Notwithstanding the economic turmoil that started in much of Europe in 2009, the Czech Republic has been one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.  With a GDP per capita that remains at about 85% of the average for the entire European Union, the Czech Republic continues to be one of the most dynamic legal markets in Central Europe.

Walker Clark LLC provides strategic management services and support to law fims throughout Central and Eastern Europe, as well as to firms outside the region that are looking for productive strategic relationships with Czech law firm. Our services are highly customized to the practice focus, client base, and professional cultures of each of our clients. We understand the region and the special features of legal practice in each of its countries, which enable us to deliver unsurpassed value to our clients.

Click here to learn more about Walker Clark services in Central and Eastern Europe.

Click here to download a copy of Foundations of the Modern Czech Republic.