Written by Lisa M. Walker Johnson
Published: 06 March 2014
Hits: 4032
single pine tree near the ocean

Some law firms are great at planning, but can't seem to implement any of their decisions.

Some law firms have great, compelling marketing communications, but can't keep their clients once they have won them.

For the past 20 years, a large part of my practice has focused on these issues.  I have observed that there are three very reliable indicators of why some law firms cannot deliver on the plans, promises, and aspirations that they set for themselves and their clients.





  1. To what extent do people at all levels of your firm share a common sense of purpose and agreed goals, both developmental and performance-based?
  2. To what extent does your firm recognize and reward, financially or otherwise, superior performance by individuals and groups
  3. To what extent is expertise in management and leadership present at all levels of your firm, as evidenced by delegation, quality control, the ability to manage change, and a consistent effort by senior people to develop the skills and capabilities of others?

A common element of all of these indicators is the extent to which your firm has invested in the construction of durable, flexible relations among the people inside the firm.  This investment of time, management attention, effort, and resources is not "nice to have."  Rather, it is a non-negotiable requirement for successful financial performance, client satisfaction, and sustainable competitive advantages.

Lisa Walker Johnson