Written by Norman Clark
Published: 10 January 2024
Hits: 428
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The most productive investment a law firm can make is in the continuing professional education of its people.

W. Edwards Deming’s Thirteenth Point of quality management, "Encourage Education and Self-Improvement for Everyone," holds profound relevance for law firms. In a profession defined by its adherence to precedent and its response to evolving legal landscapes, the emphasis on continuous learning becomes not just an asset, but a necessity.

This is the fourteenth of a series of articles on the importance to law firms of W. Edwards Deming's Fourteen Points of quality management.

Legal practice is dynamic, with new statutes, regulations, and case law emerging regularly. Lawyers must stay abreast of these changes to provide the best possible advice. Additionally, the growing integration of technology into legal practice demands ongoing learning to remain proficient and competitive.

How law firms can sustain an environment of continuous learning

  1. Regular training and development programs: Law firms must invest in continuous professiional education for all their people, not just lawyers. This could include in-house training sessions, sponsoring attendance at conferences, or providing access to online courses and webinars.

  2. Mentorship programs: Every lawyer needs a mentor. The challenge that law firms must overcome to produce worthwhile mentoring is to ensure a consistent mentoring experience for everyone, tailored to each person's needs and goals.

  3. Encouraging specialization and advanced education: Law firms should support lawyers who wish to specialize in a particular field or pursue further legal education, such as an LL.M. degree or certifications in specific legal domains. Some law firms even require advanced training, such as an M.B.A. or LL.M. degree as a prerequisite to becoming a partner.

  4. Technology training: As legal tech evolves, training in new software and tools becomes crucial.

  5. Creating a knowledge sharing culture: Providing lawyers with formal, functioning channels to share insights from cases, recent developments in law, or new strategies can foster a culture of collective learning.

Benefits of continuous learning in law firms

  1. Enhanced legal expertise: Continuous learning ensures that lawyers' knowledge remains current and comprehensive, directly impacting their ability to meet clients' needs and expections fully and efficiently.

  2. Improved adaptability: Lawyers who are up-to-date with the latest legal trends and technologies can adapt more efficiently to changing market dynamics and client needs.

  3. Increased client trust and satisfaction: Clients are more likely to trust law firms that demonstrate a commitment to staying at the forefront of their field.

  4. Competitive advantage: Law firms that prioritize education and self-improvement are often seen as leaders and innovators in the legal community.

  5. Employee satisfaction and retention: Providing opportunities for professional growth can increase job satisfaction, making lawyers, paralegals, and staff more likely to stay with a firm.

Implementing Deming's Thirteenth Point

Implementing this principle requires a strategic approach. A law firm's leaders and managers must not only allocate resources for training and development but also create an environment where such activities are valued and encouraged. This might involve setting aside dedicated time for learning, recognizing, and rewarding participation in educational activities, and integrating learning outcomes into the firm’s practice.

Education and self-improvement are not just about formal training. Encouraging lawyers to engage in pro bono work, write articles, or participate in legal forums can also be part of a broader learning strategy.

The journey never ends.

In conclusion, Deming’s Thirteenth Point emphasizes a fundamental truth in the legal profession: the journey of learning never truly ends. Law firms that embrace this principle of continuous education and self-improvement are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the legal world, leading to higher quality services, satisfied clients, and a more dynamic and knowledgeable workforce.

This commitment to lifelong learning is not just a pathway to excellence; it's a cornerstone of a thriving legal practice.

Our next post: The Transformation of a Law Firm

Norman Clark


W. Edwards Deming's Fourteen Points provide a framework for sustained growth, improved quality, and better client service. Their successful implementation will require commitment, leadership, and an ongoing dedication to improvement. The law firms that integrate these principles into their daily operations will be well-positioned for future success in the ever-evolving legal landscape.

To learn more about the Fourteen Points, consult W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis, (Massachussets Institute of Technology, 1982). Future posts in the Walker Clark World View blog, will examine the strategic relevance and practical application of each of the Fourteen Points to law firm operations and management.  

The members of Walker Clark have been guiding law firms, corporate law departments, and other legal services organizations to introduce quality management since the 1990s. For more information about how we can help you integrate the Fourteen Points into a strategy for sustainable success in quality management in your organization, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.